issue: volume three
issue twelve title: "Satanstorm One: common
people (Come, Armageddon, Come !)
cover date: april 1999
cover: brian bolland
interior art: philip bond
interior color: daniel vozzo
issue: volume three
issue eleven
title: "Satanstorm Two: cold
cover date: may 1999
cover: brain bolland
interior layouts: warren pleece
interior finishes: philip bond
interior color: daniel vozzo
issue: volume three
issue ten
title: "Satanstorm Three: the
"it" girls"
cover date: june 1999
cover: brian bolland
interior penciller: warren pleece
interior finishes: philip bond
interior color: daniel vozzo
issue: volume three
issue nine title: "Satanstorm Four:
digging up Beryl"
cover date: july 1999
cover: brian bolland
interior layouts: warren pleece
interior finishes: philip bond
interior color: daniel vozzo
issue: volume three
issue eight title: "Karmageddon part one:
cover date: august 1999
cover: brian bolland
interior pencils: sean philips
interior inks: jay stephens
interior color: daniel vozzo
issue: volume three
issue seven title: "Karmageddon part two:
type O (Omega)"
cover date: october 1999
cover: brian bolland
interior pencils: sean philips
interior inks: jay stephens
interior color: daniel vozzo
issue: volume three
issue six title: "Karmageddon part three:
minus six"
cover date: december 1999
cover: brian bolland
interior pencils: sean philips
interior inks: jay stephens
interior color: daniel vozzo
issue: volume three
issue five title: "Karmageddon part four:
cover date: january 2000
cover: brian bolland
interior pencils: sean philips
interior inks: jay stephems
interior color: daniel vozzo
issue: volume three
issue four title: "The Invisible Kingdom
Part One: Planet Stepford"
cover date: march 2000
cover: brian bolland
interior art: steve yeowell and ashley
wood and steve parkhouse and philip bond
and jill thompson and john ridgway
interior color: daniel vozzo
issue: volume three
issue three title: "The Invisible Kingdom
Part Two: Goodbye Rag"
cover date: april 2000
cover: brian bolland
interior art: steve yeowell and rian
hughes and john ridgway and paul johnson
and michael lark and jill thompson and
chris weston
interior color: daniel vozzo
issue: volume three
issue two title: "The Invisible Kingdom
Part Three: The Moment of the Blitz"
cover date: may 2000
cover: brian bolland
interior art: steve yeowell and the
pander bros. and john ridgway and cameron
stewart and ashley wood and mark
buckingham and dean ormston and grant
interior color: daniel vozzo
issue: volume three
issue one title: "Glitterdammerung!"
cover date: june 2000
cover: brian bolland
interior pencils:
interior inks: john stokes
interior color: daniel vozzo