the invisibles volume one

volume one issue one issue: volume one issue one
title: "Dead Beatles"
cover date: september 1994
cover and logo design: rian hughes
interior art: steve yeowell
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue two issue: volume one issue two
title: "Down and Out in Heaven and Hell Part I"
cover date: october 1994
cover: sean phillips
interior art: steve yeowell
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue three issue: volume one issue three
title: "Down and Out in Heaven and Hell Part 2"
cover date: November 1994
cover: sean phillips
interior art: steve yeowell
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue four issue: volume one issue four
title: "Down and Out in Heaven and Hell Part 3"
cover date: december 1994
cover: sean phillips
interior art: steve yeowell
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue five front issue: volume one issue five (front) (variant d)
title: "Arcadia Part 1 Bloody Poetry"
cover date: january 1995
cover: rian hughes
interior pencils: jill thompson
interior inks: dennis cramer
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue five back issue: volume one issue five (back) (variant d)
title: "Arcadia Part 1 Bloody Poetry"
cover date: january 1995
cover: rian hughes
interior pencils: jill thompson
interior inks: dennis cramer
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue six issue: volume one issue six
title: "Arcadia Part 2 Mysteries of the Guillotine"
cover date: february 1995
cover: sean phillips (credited to rian hughes)
interior pencils: jill thompson
interior inks: dennis cramer
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue seven issue: volume one issue seven
title: "Arcadia Part 3 120 Days of Sod All"
cover date: march 1995
cover: sean phillips
interior pencils: jill thompson
interior inks: dennis cramer
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue eight issue: volume one issue eight
title: "Arcadia Part 4 H.E.A.D."
cover date: april 1995
cover: sean phillips
interior pencils: jill thompson
interior inks: dennis cramer
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue nine issue: volume one issue nine
title: "23: Things Fall Apart"
cover date: june 1995
cover: sean phillips
interior pencils: jill thompson
interior inks: dennis cramer
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue ten issue: volume one issue ten
title: "Season of Ghouls"
cover date: july 1995
cover: sean phillips
interior art: chris weston
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue eleven issue: volume one issue eleven
title: "Royal Monsters"
cover date: august 1995
cover: sean phillips
interior art: john ridgeway
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue twelve issue: volume one issue twelve
title: "Best Man Fall"
cover date: september 1995
cover: sean phillips
interior art: steve parkhouse
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue thirteen issue: volume one issue thirteen
title: "She-Man Part One Venus as a Boy"
cover date: october 1995
cover: sean phillips
interior art: jill thompson
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue fourteen issue: volume one issue fourteen
title: "She-Man Part Two Day of Nine Dogs"
cover date: november 1995
cover: sean phillips
interior art: jill thompson
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue fifteen issue: volume one issue fifteen
title: "She-Man Part Three Apocalipstick"
cover date: december 1995
cover: sean phillips
interior pencils: jill thompson
interior inks: jill thompson and kim demulder
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue sixteen issue: volume one issue sixteen
title: "London"
cover date: January 1996
cover: sean phillips
interior art: paul johnson
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue seventeen issue: volume one issue seventeen
title: "Gideon Stargrave in Entropy in the UK Part One Dandy""
cover date: february 1996
cover: sean phillip
interior pencils: phil jiminez
interior inks: john stokes
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue eighteen issue: volume one issue eighteen
title: "Gideon Stargrave in Entropy in the UK Part Two Messiah"
cover date: march 1996
cover: sean phillips
interior pencils: phil jimenez
interior inks: john stokes
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue nineteen issue: volume one issue nineteen
title: "King Mob in Entropy in the UK Part Three Assasin"
cover date: april 1996
cover: sean phillips
interior pencils: phil jimenez
interior inks: john stokes
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue twenty issue: volume one issue twenty
title: "How I Became Invisible"
cover date: may 1996
cover: sean phillips
interior art: tommy lee edwards
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue twentyone issue: volume one issue twentyone
title: "Liverpool"
cover date: june 1996
cover: sean phillips
interior art: paul johnson
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue twentytwo issue: volume one issue twentytwo
title: "House of Fun"
cover date: july 1996
cover: sean phillips
interior pencils: steve yeowell
interior inks: dick giordano
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue twentythree issue: volume one issue twentythree
title: "The Last Temptation of Jack"
cover date: august 1996
cover: sean phillips
interior pencils: steve yeowell
interior inks: dick giordano
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue twentyfour issue: volume one issue twentyfour
title: "Good-Bye Baby Rabbits"
cover date: september 1996
cover: sean phillips
interior pencils: steve yeowell
interior inks: dick giordano
interior color: daniel vozzo
volume one issue twentyfive issue: volume one issue twentyfive
title: "6 and a half dozen of the other"
cover date: october 1996
cover: sean phillips
interior pencils: mark buckingham
interior inks: mark pennington
interior color: daniel vozzo